Functional Breathing

Functional breathing is one of if not the most important pillars of health.

In short it's traits are as follows:

  • every breath is taken in and out throught the nose and is driven by the diaphragm
  • breathing while rest is always calm, soft and almost not noticable
  • it's regular, slow and gentle with a small natural pause after the exhalation

Poor breathing patterns, or a "non-functional breathing"

There are several forms of non-functional breathing in various severities.

The most common is chronic hyperventilation where a person breathes a little bit too fast or too much.
This is enough to negatively impact the metabolism.

The symptoms of poor breathing patterns are:

  • the inability to take a satisfying breath
  • breathlessness in rest or whie exercising softly (talking a walk, Yoga, climbing stairs, ...)
  • frquent yawning or sighing
  • the feeling of "just not getting enough air"

Other disorders which a non-functional breathing can make worse:

  • asthma
  • hay fiever
  • snoring
  • sleep anea
  • anxiety
  • panic attacks

Non-functional breathing is identifieable through following traits:

  • habitual breathing through the mouth
  • visible movement on shoulders, breast during breathing
  • breathng is irregular and noticeable / hearable even during rest


How our breathing goes non-functional

Unfortunately modern lifestyle can influence our body and it's vital functions negative.

Stress, unhealthy nutrition and lack of movement can lead to chronical disturbances of our breathing patterns quickly.
Our biochemistry will then change and this will disturb the system even more. A vicious cycle.

Since our body's a master of adaption, it often goes without recognizing the deterioration of our breathing.
This leads to chronical disturbances, which will manifest permanently and can only be changed again with specific exercises.

Fortunately there is a way to functional breathing.